
Professional Liability Claims for Fitness Studio Owners

Picture this: you are leading a Pilates session. Sarah, one of you clients is trying out a new exercise. You recommend she adjust her front leg and she takes your advice. During this she yells out in pain. Ouch! Now she needs to make a trip to urgent care to be evaluated. Was it your advice that caused the injury? Consequently, your advice could be the difference between doing something right or wrong. You are the professional and your clients trust you. In this blog, we will discuss professional liability claims for fitness studio owners.

The Most Common Professional Liability Claims

What are the most the most common professional liability claims?

  • Negligence – In the fitness industry, professionals can make an error that harms someone. Surely, you remember our story about Sarah?
  • Misrepresentation – Did you advise a client that a certain diet would help them gain muscle and lose weight? Subsequently, what if that recommendation caused a serious health issue?
  • Incorrect advice – You shout, “Line up on the wall for handstands!” Closer to each other!” Albeit, one client falls which causes everyone to fall. Now there are numerous injuries. Did you tell them to get too close? Specifically, is that what caused the injuries?

Which Fitness Professionals Need Insurance

If you are a studio owner, it goes without saying that you need insurance. Chances are you might already have some coverage. So, what about personal trainers and instructors? Do they need insurance too? The answer is yes. Advisor Smith reported that 3 in 4 small businesses encountered an insurable event in the year 2020. Whenever those sorts of odds exist, you want to make sure everything you have worked for is protected. Maybe you have even established a concussion protocol in the event of an accident. Likewise, you may even have liability insurance to help you with other claims.

Business Insurance is Your Friend

Feeling overwhelmed now? Nevertheless, there’s no need to panic. Everything we listed above was simply meant to outline the most common professional liability claims we see in the fitness industry. Our job is to best protect you from them.
To get the help you need and deserve, your friends here at Gild Insurance are a click away! We combine the latest technology with experience to provide business insurance options that fit your business.

To learn more, check out:

A Guide To Developing A Concussion Protocol

The Most Common Liability Claims For Fitness Studio Owners

Whichever your focus, a fitness instructor, studio owner, or personal trainer, Gild is here to help fitness professionals like yourself find the insurance products you need!
